You know whats telling.... not once has anyone said they woke up to the truth about the truth over a protest like this. Not once. Not evem the dumb asses protesting woke up because of a protest._Morpheus: How can you say something like that? Did you speak to every JW who saw every protest in the world?
I can assure you that your statement is simply not true. We had a person contacting us who woke up exactly because they saw us protesting earlier this year. I have reports of others. And no idea about how many started to wake up but didn't contact us. We also spoke to several "studies" at the convention and all said they will look what we've said up and if it's true, they will stop studying.
Now I'm not saying that the protest in Warwick was perfect. Probably far from it, because it was the first protest of this scale organized by those guys. If they keep going over time it will get better. But one thing I can see right now is your hostility towards those guys, which for me is totally unfounded.